By Nathan Prewett, For the Tribune
CENTER POINT – The Center Point City Council met on Thursday, Dec. 5, to discuss the proposed purchase of two vehicles.
The council first considered the purchase of a Dodge truck to be used for code enforcement for $32,430.50. Mayor Bobby Scott said that the current vehicle has been used since 2006 and is often in need of repairs, which he said is expensive.
Councilman Glenn Williams pointed out that a car might be less expensive and asked what the reason would be for a truck instead. Scott said that the Dodge truck on the agenda is being considered based on its availability as no cars were available, so if they did not approve purchasing it, he doesn’t know when they will be able to buy another one. The truck is on the state bid list.
Later Williams reiterated that he did not see the reason to have a truck in lieu of a less expensive car that could be just as sufficient. After discussion Councilwoman Tiffany Moore motioned to solicit bids for a different vehicle, which was approved.
Afterward, a lengthier discussion was had for purchasing a van for the community center for $56,747.20. Scott said that staff at the center are using one of the city vehicles to transport people to the after-school program there.
Councilwoman Sharon Jones asked how many children were enrolled in the program, to which Scott said there were only two now because the current transportation was inadequate. She asked if there were others interested, and Scott replied that there is a waiting list of parents interested in enrolling their children.
Jones supported the idea but expressed concerns about the program and urged making sure that it has health and safety requirements in place, noting an apparent lack of protocols. Later, Moore said there was not enough information about the proposal and program. Councilwoman Ebonee Copeland echoed Moore’s concerns, saying that there is too much going on in the city without the council’s knowledge, citing a recent mural project she didn’t know about as an example.
Moore asked Scott if he approved the program before it was implemented. Scott replied that he intended to bring it before the council but wanted to start it.
“We checked our insurance; we checked our liability,” Scott said. “We thought it wouldn’t be an issue, so we wanted to go ahead and get started. However, Councilwoman Jones did bring forth some things. That’s why I wanted to revisit it with you all. I wasn’t trying to bypass you all.”
Moore then expressed her disagreement, saying that there needed to be more information.
“We’ve all sat here, and we’ve said on many occasions about other stuff, about us wanting thorough information when it’s presented,” Moore said. “Not after the fact, not having to go back. And I’m having to sit here, research questions, and look up stuff about something that should’ve been given to me before the night to look in.”
After more discussion, the council ultimately voted to table the matter.
In other businesses, the council voted on two items on the consent agenda. The first was to pass a resolution to participate in Alabama’s medical cannabis industry. A resolution must be approved in order to do this.
The second item was an agreement with Capstone Realty, which was voted on at the previous meeting. The reason that it was brought up again, Collins said, was that the council “missed some steps” and had to hold a hearing before passing it. The hearing was held last week, where Collins said no one spoke for or against it.
The agreement is a tax incentive to Capstone for their renovation projects in the Upland and Southwind apartment complexes.
The council also announced that a public hearing for a sign ordinance is scheduled for Jan. 5 at 6:30 p.m. The Planning and Zoning Commission made several amendments to update the ordinance, such as allowing penalties for dilapidated signs.
A live-streamed recording of this meeting can be seen here.
The Center Point City Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of the month at City Hall at 2209 Center Point Parkway.
Nathan Prewett can be reached at