By Carey Kinsolving and Friends
Yes, Jesus is from heaven. He existed as God before he came to earth as a baby born in Bethlehem. He is greater than all human beings.
Because Jesus is from heaven, he can offer a new birth from heaven. This is the spiritual birth Jesus mentioned when he told Nicodemus he must be born again. The best translation of “born again” from the Greek New Testament is “born from above.” Only one who is from above (heaven) can offer a new birth that is from above to all who trust him as their savior.
“Like a smart shepherd and his sheep, Jesus knows how you feel about everything you pray about. That is why God gave his Son power over us,” says Anna, 10.
It’s so rare to hear the word “smart” to describe Jesus. Most people don’t think of him as an intellectual giant. Yet, he’s the smartest person to ever walk the face of this earth. Not only is he smart, he’s omniscient. He knows everything!
Why is it then that one can study four years at a prestigious university without hearing the name of Jesus come up in classes on science, medicine, psychology, law and business?
I once attended a conference of successful Christian businessmen and women in Florida. I saw successful business people learning how to get more of Jesus into their businesses. They learned how to apply life lessons learned from the Lord Jesus as taught in the Bible to various business situations.
Often, we shoot ourselves in the feet by limiting Jesus to Sunday morning. Let him go to work with you on Monday morning and see what happens.
“God exalted Jesus because he obeyed him and spoke his words,” says David, 8. “Also, God exalted Jesus because he willingly died on the cross” (Philippians 2:7-9).
Jesus was an excellent listener. He listened to the voice of his Father. He was so good at speaking what he heard from his Father that three of his disciples heard these words from God on a mountain, “This is my beloved Son. Hear Him!” (Luke 9:35).
Not only did Jesus faithfully speak the words of life from his Father, he performed the ultimate act of obedience when he died on the cross for our sins. When God raised him from the grave, he forever broke the chains of death for all who receive the gift of eternal life.
Even though Jesus is reigning and ruling in the lives of his disciples now, one day his kingdom on Earth will be fully established. The power that he received from his Father will be on full display for everyone to see in a kingdom of righteousness, peace and prosperity.
Think about this: If God the Father has given Jesus power over the universe, we should follow his lead and submit to the leadership of the Lord Jesus in all things. Start with trusting him as your savior and then sign up for a lifelong course in abundant living.
Memorize this truth: “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21).
Ask this question: Are you allowing Jesus to exercise his rightful power in your life?