TRUSSVILLE — The Trussville City Council approved a land swap agreement that is one more step in making the new downtown plaza a reality.
During a special called meeting on Friday, Oct. 2, 2020, the council unanimously approved the contract.
Mayor Buddy Choat said property lines in the area of North Chalkville Road and Linden Street, near the old Braden’s Furniture store, had to be redefined in order to allow the work to continue on the plaza.
Plans for the plaza include the development of the corner lot into a focal point of the downtown area. There will be a large clock, donated by the Trussville Rotary Daybreak Club. Linden Street will also be revamped and parking will be added to the area.
The city, the Trussville Redevelopment Authority (TRA) and Birmingham Realty Company (Barbers) owns property in the area. The agreement between the city, TRA and Barbers divides the property to make the property lines more defined. Barbers will transfer a small parcel behind the former Mary’s Bouquet to TRA in order for TRA to be able to install utilities. The agreement will also allow the city to make public parking spaces in the area.
“It’s really squaring up all three property lines right there,” Choat said in the meeting. “No more easements will be required.”
The move is necessary in order to allow Russo Corporation to get started on more work in the area. Choat said final plans are being reviewed and work should start within the next couple of weeks.
The plaza is just one part of the city’s downtown redevelopment plan. The Trussville Entertainment District (TED) was the first phase of the vast plan and the city celebrated the opening of the TED Saturday with a concert on the new stage and the showing of a football game on the big screen.
During the special called meeting, there was also a move passed that authorizes an agreement with Jefferson County under the COVID-19/CARES Act, for local expense reimbursement.
The council unanimously passed the agreement, allowing the mayor to sign for $998 thousand in federal funds the county is distributing to cities based on population.
“The county is getting around $15 million,” Choat said. “I will sign the agreement and send it to the county.”