By Terry Schrimscher, contributing writer
SPRINGVILLE — The Springville City Council met Monday night, Feb. 17, for the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month. The meeting was preceded by a work session to address various agenda items including the ongoing work to create a better plan for supporting travel and providing better meals at the city’s senior center.
The regular session opened with a public hearing on rezoning a portion of the Walker / Elam property across from City Hall. The rezoning would allow a new owner to develop climate-controlled storage on the property. The proposal met no opposition in the hearing and was passed in the regular session. The developer will work with city planners on the design of the property.
The council approved Ordinance 2020-02, which was introduced in the Feb. 3 meeting. The ordinance improves existing regulations on signs such as promotional banners and marketing inflatables, and other non-permanent messaging, and clarifies guidelines on the locations and time constraints for the display of temporary signs.
Ordinance 2020-03 was also approved. The ordinance creates specific zones for the location of businesses selling alcohol, tobacco, vape and CBD products. The city first addressed the issue of CBD sales in May of 2019 and passed a six-month moratorium on business licenses for CBD products. The moratorium was extended in November to allow more time to study the approval of CBD businesses within certain districts.
CBD is short for cannabidiol, a chemical compound from the cannabis plant. CBD was legalized nationally by the 2018 Farm Bill, but many cities around the country have enacted specific zoning and licensing for the sale of such products. The ordinance does not allow for the sale of marijuana, which is illegal in Alabama.
The council gave Mayor Isley the authority to sign a contract with CCI Engineers for civil engineering services related to improvements at the four-way stop on U.S. 11 leading into the downtown business district. Improvements to the intersection have been part of ongoing, long-term discussions between the city and the state of Alabama. The goal is to improve traffic flow at the busy intersection to accommodate the demands of new developments and an increasing population.
Parks and Recreation Director Ashley Hay presented an update on the purchase of a used vehicle for her department. The purchase was budgeted and discussed in a previous meeting. Hay also presented a proposal for a new playground surface for a section at Big Springs Park. The new play surface was approved for $1,668.46.
In other business, the council approved:
$1,000 for tires to be used on a truck for the Springville Fire Department
$1,112 for the purchase of fish to restock the two lakes in Big Springs Park.
A new maintenance contract for the city’s sports fields
The termination of a lease for the city’s supplemental sports fields
A new maintenance contract for emergency generators at city facilities, including storm shelters.
The next regular meeting is planned for March 2.