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  1. 1

    Michael Shane Humphryes

    Jim Stick literally just talked about this haha

  2. 3

    Nina Cole

    Now I know where to look!

  3. 5

    Louis Souleotes

    Makes sense. Probably two of the heaviest armed city’s in the state.

  4. 7

    Heather Reid

    Kirstan Tyler Parr what about trussville… I’ve been looking at so many cute houses & claire already has friends at Payne.

  5. 8

    April Cleveland

    Sarah Trammell Micah Wolverton

  6. 9

    Kirstan Tyler Parr

    Brooklyn Parr Greenwood barely beat us

  7. 10

    Diana Katrina Ingram

    The population is like 2000… to call it a city in comparison to Birmingham or Trussville is over board…..

  8. 11

    Lynne Easter Barden

    Melissa Dailey Hettich
    Sara Hettich
    Brad Hettich

  9. 12

    Chantel Lacoste Gray

    I don’t see Ashville on the list

  10. 13

    Leah Armbrust

    Bc if you go through there (Argo, Margaret), you have about an 80% chance of getting pulled over lol So most ppl try to avoid it unless they live there of course

  11. 15

    Leah Armbrust

    It might be because of that elderly man being shot and killed by his son a few months ago

  12. 16

    Emmett Haislip

    So glad to hear. My son and family live there.

  13. 17

    Sam Modder

    Probably everybody over the age of 18 carries a firearm.

  14. 18
  15. 21

    Kati Jenkins Bullock

    Kathy Forrester Nicole Forrester Taylor headland made the list too! (Margaret) is where we live.
    Stacy Baker Anderson did you see this?

  16. 22

    Stacy Baker Anderson

    Yes! All surrounding cities 🙌🏼🙌🏼

  17. 24

    Leah Scharf Miller

    I got pulled over one time a few years ago and I swear the officer smelled like he had been rolling in alcohol

  18. 26

    Sharon Waine McQueen

    I love my town of Argo. And if the police are out in force and looking for those to pull over that is great. Just another deterrent for crime.

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