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  1. 1

    Kem Sims

    Prayers for his family and loved ones.

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    Joni Waltner Ellington

    Jennifer Ellington Kidd, Angela Ellington Davis, Cindy Ellington Cramond ATV strikes again.

  3. 4
  4. 5

    Hailey Waldrop

    Was this the same man convicted of sexual child abuse?

  5. 7

    Stephanie Conn Goodman

    This is my cousin. Lots of rumors about the child abuse case. Only 1 knows the truth.

  6. 8

    Hailey Waldrop

    Simple question on an article I read prior.

  7. 9

    Laura Johnston Thigpen

    Yes and she’s right only one knows the truth other than the child it happened to

  8. 12

    Hailey Waldrop

    His family has messaged me nasty messages over a question. So y’all be prepared

  9. 15

    Lisa Roberts

    Stephanie, I am so sorry to hear that your cousin, John, passed away! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and John’s family.

  10. 16

    Stephanie Conn Goodman

    Laura Johnston Thigpen you know the truth and so does our Almighty GOD.

  11. 17

    Stephanie Conn Goodman

    Kelley Mcdonald do you know him?

  12. 18

    Stephanie Conn Goodman

    He was an awesome young man who loved his kids

  13. 19

    Laura Johnston Thigpen

    Yes I know the truth and your right God knows believe what you will . that’s not love

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