From Trussville Tribune staff reports
TRUSSVILLE — Trusville police are investigating an incident in which five juveniles and one 18-year-old allegedly stole a wallet from a Dollar General employee.

A wallet belonging to a cashier at Dollar General in Trussville was allegedly stolen from the store Thursday.
Police Lt. Eric Rush said the group reportedly used two credit cards in the wallet taken from a store cashier to go on a “buying spree” in which abouty ,000 in clothes and shoes were purchased.
No arrests have been made in the incident that occured around 12:30 p.m. Thursday afternoon.
Rush said the individuals being investigated may be charged with theft and fraudulent use of a credit card, both of which he said are felony charges.
Rush said no cash was contained in the wallet.
Security footage reportedly recorded during the incident at the store located at 218 Main Street in Trussville appears to show an individual take an item from underneath a cash register while a store cashier was facing the opposite direction.
Another person seen in the video, who Rush said is a suspect, appears to be asking the cashier questions while the other person took the wallet.
Tommy Dodson
Hope they catch the punks. A punk thug found my card and did the same. Glad to have Trussville PD working on it. Get a job and work for your money
Roland Hill
The punk thugs are white teenagers funny how Trussville Tribune played the gun stealing video of the Black teens but failed to play the video of the white teenagers taking the Store Managers wallet while she had her back turned this a bias newspaper. There is nothing to work on the video has been out for several days
Trini Nichols Thompson
Jessica Means…u see this?
Jessica Means
Yeah. I had some shoplifters arrested at my store last month and somebody stole my wallet the month before.
Trini Nichols Thompson
Yeah I know that’s why I was telling you I know your wallet got gone
Donna Santos Griffith
Saw this yesterday on What’s Happening in Odenville…. both videos are posted there…
Haley Appleton Piersol
They did play this video yesterday on here! I saw it!
Teresa Cox Chapple
I saw it too.
Teresa Cox Chapple
I just don’t like the word Thug.
J Jewell
Get your trash out of here. This ain’t the forum for your b.s.. It ain’t funny and everyone that saw the video said the same thing. Stealing is wrong and we want these punks punished. Take that junk somewhere else, you’re not even from Trussville. Worry about your own town…
Roland Hill
You can talk about African Americans being thugs and they need to burn in hell but when it’s your race now it’s bs F U and your bs thug I live in this area I dont have to change where I live to satisfy you mf.
Blane Scott
Ummmm. Go back. I saw the video. 2 as a matter of fact
Kim Berryhill Smith
Punks and Thugs come in all colors. You are the one making this a race issue. The video was posted here as well as many other media outlets. A thief is a thief. I don’t care how old you are nor what color you are, you should be held accountable.
The Trussville Tribune
Mr. Hill, in the case of juvenile suspects, the policy of The Trussville Tribune is to defer to law enforcement on the information released for publication. In the case of the gun theft, the video was released to the media by The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Law enforcement did not release a video of the Dollar General theft to the media. Despite the video being posted to social media, it is not within our policy to publish because it did not originate with law enforcement. We take claims of bias very seriously. If, in the future, you feel that you have a legitimate claim, please contact us at Thank you.
Blane Scott
The Trussville Tribune bravo 👏!!!! Mr Hill is using what some would refer to as a “dodo” stick. Trying to stir up $#^t
Tommy Dodson
What a stupid comment !!? You can’t be a white punk thug? Stupidity at its best
Tommy Dodson
I don’t like Simone stealing my card and going on a $1000 spending spree. A thug is a thug
Haley Reigh Adams
Where were they when I needed them?? case handed to them on a silver platter with names. That PD needs some help.
Roland Hill
Mr. Hill is not using anything as a dodo stick. I read these comments on a daily basis. When it’s blacks as the main headlines you’ll comment and say we expected that Birmingham resident, Centerpoint etc . When it involves your race you’re quiet as a mice. So you can can call me what you want. I’ve been called worse things.Your comments speak for themselves.
Tommy Dodson
BTW I was a punk when I was younger. But never a thug because I never stole from anyone .Big difference
Deborah Coleman
Trussvegas in the news again
Scott White
Oh look!!! It’s the RACIST FEDEX guy. Every post he is on it’s racism.