From staff reports
TRUSSVILLE – Costa Christopoulos, a sophomore at MIT and former Hewitt-Trussville High School student, has been named a recipient of this year’s NOAA Earnest F. Hollings Scholarship.
Christopoulos will now have an opportunity to take part in a full-time summer internship next year at a NOAA facility. As a recipient, he will also receive two years of financial assistance towards his education.
NOAA’s scholarship was designed to improve training in oceanic and atmospheric science, technology, research and education for students.
The undergraduate of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) has a long history with NOAA.
“I am very excited,” said Christopoulos to “One of the things that got me into science was NOAA; I would go to their website to read about the atmosphere and talk to meteorologists at the local weather service. The fact that I’ve received a scholarship from the organization that got me into science is really meaningful.”
Christopoulos, a sophomore, is also majoring in physics. His passion for atmospheric science has been growing since the age of ten.
“I like applied physics – physics that I can see every day and that’s more relevant,” Christopoulos told “I’ve been interested in meteorology since I was ten, but I think if you really want to understand the field you have to have a firm grasp on physics and computer science.”