From staff reports
The Trussville Beautification Board announced the winners of this year’s beautification awards at the annual Trussville City Fest held on May 2.
First place awards went to Vickie and Mack Frank, Best Landscape Design; Dot Hagood, Best Turf; Charles Nicholas, Best Use of Color; Joanne and Paul West, Best Homeowner Maintained; and First Baptist Church of Trussville, Best Business.
Honor Roll winners were Sue Parham, Best Landscape Design; Libba and Daryl Ellison, Best Turf; Jill Currier, Best Use of Color; Robert and Sandy Fondren, Best Homeowner Maintained; and Ginni G Florist, Best Business.
Lifetime awards are given to Jill Currier, Libba and Daryl Ellison, Dot Hagood, Joanne and Paul West, Ginni G Florist, and First Baptist Church of Trussville. Lifetime Awards are presented to participants that have won three years in a row.
Judges were Master Gardeners Margaret Fritsma, Linda Grissom and Paula Haynes. Other assistance was provided by J.R. Malchus and Mayor Eugene Melton.