By Gary Lloyd
TRUSSVILLE — The Husky Parkway extension from Hewitt-Trussville High School to Trussville-Clay Road will likely not open Sept. 15 as originally planned, according to Trussville Mayor Gene Melton.
Melton said Wednesday the city was supposed to receive a signing and striping plan from engineering firm LBYD, which will then be reviewed by Streets and Sanitation Superintendent Wayne Sullivan.

A construction crew works on the now-completed Husky Parkway bridge earlier this year.
file photo by Ron Burkett
Melton said if that goes well, then city officials could meet with Blalock Building Company officials to discuss timelines for opening the extension.
“Based on where we are today the middle of September is not doable,” Melton said Wednesday evening.
He said until there is a meeting with Blalock Building Company, there’s no concrete timeline on when the extension may open.
Blalock Building Company President Steven Blalock said last month that he expected the extension to open Sept. 15, barring weather delays. Trussville City Schools announced last month it was working on a safety and traffic plan for when the extension opens.
Contact Gary Lloyd at and follow him on Twitter @GaryALloyd.