Clay Councilman Kevin Small and Councilwomen Jackie Hambrick and Becky Johnson announced today that they plan to seek re-election to the Clay City Council in August.
As a councilman, Small has been serving as the city’s liaison to the Clay Public Works Department.
“I have enjoyed the last four years being the liaison for Public Works,” he said in a statement on The Trussville Tribune’s Facebook page. “We have instituted a regular paving schedule that has made sure we are addressing road repair in a timely manner.”
Small said he plans to continue work on several city projects, as well as request to oversee Public Safety in the city.
“I am seeking re-election to continue work on the library, Cosby Lake Trails, and to bring a BMX track to compliment the ball park. If re-elected, I will ask the mayor to be reassigned to Public Safety and to allow me to create a role as liaison to our many neighborhood associations.”
Jackie Hambrick currently oversees Community Development in the city and serves as liaison to the Clay Public Library, the Environmental Committee, the Historical Society and the Clay Senior Center. Hambrick said that she plans to run for Place 5 on the council.
“It’s just been an exciting time,” she said. “My first project was the library and I just want to continue to ensure that the library is supported and that it grows to become all that we want it to be in our community.”
Hambrick has several upcoming projects with the library including a new council approved sign and improvements to the landscape surrounding the building. Through the Environmental Committee, Hambrick worked to bring the city directional signs and planting trees at the “gateway” to the city.
“We have had a lot of businesses and other citizens that helped to fund that and to make that happen,” she said. “There’s 55 trees and we’re very proud that we were able to do that project.”
During her time in office, Hambrick has received certification as an Advanced Certified Municipal Official through the Alabama League of Municipalities.
“That just means that I have gone to the seminars and the conferences where they educate you in the workings of municipalities and the law,” she said
. “It’s constantly changing and if you don’t go to those, it’s really hard to keep up. I’ve really made such an investment, the city has, in enabling me to go and learn all these things.”
Hambrick said that she looks forward to continuing to find ways to enhance the city of Clay during the next municipal term.
“It’s just all for the community and helping to increase the quality of life in the city of Clay,” she said. “It’s just been an exciting, exciting journey. We have a lot of things we want to continue to do to just make Clay the best little city to live in.”
Becky Johnson announced that after prayer and discussion with her family, she will be running for Place 1 on the council.
Johnson did not run in the previous election, but was appointed to the council in Feb. 2010 after former Councilman Chuck McGuffie resigned.
She received her CMO certification in August 2011 and said she plans to pursue an Advanced CMO certification during the next year.
Johnson serves as a liaison to the Clay and Clay-Chalkville schools and as a voting member of the Planning and Zoning Commission. She is also responsible for overseeing commercial interest in the city and is the President of the Clay-Pinson Chamber of Commerce.
“I am a certified planner, from Planning and Zoning workshops I have attended,” she said. “I would love to still be over schools. I’ve also enjoyed working with the Chamber and the businesses. The economy has been bad. There have been businesses come and there have been businesses close, but I feel like the economy is at the point of turning around.”
Johnson said that she is happy with how the city is progressing and looks forward to its continued growth.
“I’m looking forward to seeing some of the projects that we’ve started to continue,” she said. “I’m looking forward to having new businesses in the city of Clay and to continue working with the schools.”
The municipal election is scheduled for Aug. 28. Clay citizens will be able to vote at the Clay Community Center and Clearview Baptist Church.