By Hannah Curran, Editor
TRUSSVILLE — Trussville City Council approved a resolution to support the train blockages bill and announced the reappointment of Dr. Steve Ward for Trussville City School’s Board of Education during the City council meeting on Tuesday, March 8.

(From Left to Right) Councilmember Perry Cook, Councilmember Ben Short, Councilmember Lisa Bright, Dr. Steve Ward, Mayor Buddy Choat, Councilmember Jaime Anderson, and Councilmember Alan Taylor. (Photo by Hannah Curran)
The Council approved a resolution supporting State House Bill 122 that prohibits trains from blocking railroad crossings. The resolution states the citizens of Trussville have endured numerous train crossing blockages, and such blockages can and do hinder law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services personnel from providing effective rapid responses to imperiled or at-risk citizens.
State House Bill 122 provides civil penalties for unjustifiable train blockages at road crossings. The City of Trussville thanks the State House of Representatives for its support of House Bill 122, urging the State Senate to pass the bill, and Governor Kay Ivey to sign it into law.
The Trussville City Council approved a resolution amending the fiscal year 2022 budget to account for additional revenues from ambulance services and real property sales and to appropriate additional funds for various city departments and non-departmental line items, including the Trussville Civic Center.
The Fiscal Year 2022 budget, enacted as Resolution No. 2021-52, is amended to account for additional revenues from ambulance services and real property sales to the general fund. The Fiscal Year 2022 budget is also amended to appropriate additional funds for police, fire, recreation, administration, finance, human resources, library, roads, and the civic center.
The Trussville City Council approved several resolutions for local business.
According to a resolution presented to the Council, a resolution authorizes the approval for a Massage Therapist Business License (R3 Massage LLC), located at 1616 Gadsden Highway Suite #108 in Trussville. This resolution authorizes Mayor Buddy Choat to approve the Massage Therapist Business License application under Section 18-65 License Classifications.
The Council approved two liquor license resolutions, one license was for Rodney Scotts BBQ, and the other was for Hero Doughnuts and Buns.
The resolutions approves Choat to authorize the 020 Restaurant Retail Liquor application of Rodney Scotts BBQ Trussville LLC, doing business as Rodney Scotts BBQ, located at 312 Main Street in Trussville, and Hero Doughnuts Trussville LLC, doing business as Hero Doughnuts and Buns, located at 314 Main Street in Trussville.
Trussville City Council also approved the reappointment of Dr. Steve Ward to the City Board of Education with a new term ending May 25, 2027.
Councilmember Lisa Bright said the council is excited that Ward applied to serve again and discussed the application process.
“I want to clarify that the process that we followed on reappointing Dr. Ward was consistent with the process that we followed last year,” Bright said. “We had a committee of five from different variants, and we had a city council president, the mayor, city council liaison, HR from the city, BOE president. The process of accepting applications or doing interviews, including, and I believe, for the first time ever, we interviewed a sitting board member to make sure that we kept that process consistent. We just appreciate Dr. Ward walking through that process with us. We know that we got the best-qualified candidate to serve his second term.”
Ward thanked Choat, the city council, and the community for reappointing him for a second term.
“It’s been a pleasure and honor to serve and continue to do so long with Dr. Neill, pursued her leadership team, Kathy Brown, and all the other members of the board. And again, I appreciate the opportunity to continue doing this,” Ward said.
In other matters, the Council approved:
- Auditing Accounts;
- Hire Jonathan Butler as Corrections Officer (Grade 16 – Step 3), effective March 12, 2022;
- Hire Mackenzie Espy as part-time Gymnastics Instructor (Grade 12 – Step 1), effective March 12, 2022;
- Promote Halee Ward, Jessica Bonner, and Austin Scarborough to part-time Gymnastics Instructor (Grade 12 – Step 1), effective March 12, 2022;
- Promote Pamela Sims to part-time Gymnastics Instructor (Grade 12 – Step 2), effective March 12, 2022;
- Promote Carley Sims to part-time Gymnastics Instructor (Grade 12 – Step 3), effective March 12, 2022;
- Promote Brandon Sullivan and Troy Vance to full-time Public Works Skilled Laborers (Grade 12 – Step 2), effective March 12, 2022;
- Approve 5 percent education premium for Firefighter Blake Trull, effective March 12, 2022;
- Install a yield sign facing the west end of Green Drive for traffic wanting to turn right (Northbound) onto Chalkville Mountain Road, per Public Safety Committee recommendation;
- Accept agreement with PNC Bank (successor to BBVA) Regarding Private Placement Account;
- Reappoint Dr. Steve Ward to the City Board of Education, with a new term ending May 25, 2027;
- Authorize the City to pay approximately $19,000 for exterior repairing and repainting the ACTA theater building;
- Authorize Mayor Choat to enter into an agreement with Alabama Power to change over city lights to LED, with additional costs at $220 per month;
- Authorize overnight business travel for Mayor Choat March 21-22 to Covington, Georgia regarding Miracle League ball field;
- Resolution In Support of State House Bill 122;
- Resolution to Amend the City’s FY2022 Budget;
- Public Hearing For Proposed Alcohol Licensing of Hero Doughnuts and Rodney Scotts BBQ for the same owners, to be located at 312 & 314 Main Street;
- Resolution to Authorize ABC License to Hero Doughnuts;
- Resolution to Authorize ABC License to Rodney Scotts BBQ;
- Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Massage Therapy Licensing for R3 Massage LLC, to be located at 1616 Gadsden Highway Suite #108; and
- Resolution to Authorize Massage Therapy License to R3 Massage LLC.
Auditing Accounts:
- Accounts Payable;
- Cryptocurrency Investigation class for Police Detective Michael Montana, July 21-22 in Montgomery. No registration fee – Accommodations only;
- Alabama Jail Association 2022 Spring Conference for Police Corrections Officer Adenike Bates, April 10-13 in Gulf Shores. $35 registration fee plus accommodations;
- Reid Technique for Pre-Employment online session for Police Property Clerk Claire Jackson. $129 registration fee;
- Unmasking Hidden Facial Expressions class for Police Cpl. Keith Fuell, May 2 in Austell, Georgia. $225 registration fee;
- K9 Cop Conference & Vendor Show for Police Sgt. Nate Holloway, Cpl. Casey Shelnutt & Officer Stephen Jordan. $885 registration fees plus accommodations;
- Municipal Court Magistrate Conference for Court Magistrate Supervisor Andrea Downing, as well as Court Clerk Beth Burden and Magistrate Debbie Crane, April 7-8 in Birmingham. $585 registration fees;
- Alabama Municipal Revenue Officers Association 200 Level Training Institute for Senior Revenue Examiner Ashley Oliver, April 4-6 in Tuscaloosa. $235 registration fee plus accommodations; and
- Government & Economic Development Institute Certified Revenue Examiner IV online course for Senior Revenue Examiner Ashley Oliver, May 11-13. $330 registration fee.
The next Trussville City Council meeting will be on Tuesday, March 22, beginning at 6 p.m.