From The Tribune staff reports
TRUSSVILLE — A public meeting is planned to discuss reconstruction and lane addition on I-59 in Trussville on Thursday, March 24, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) announced the opportunity to obtain information on Project Number: RACR-037-I59-010, the reconstruction and lane addition on I-59 from I-459 to CR-10 (Chalkville Mountain Road).
The event will be held at the Trussville Civic Center. This will be an Open-House meeting without a formal presentation. Project information, including maps and comment forms, will be available for review. Representatives from the Alabama Department of Transportation and the Design Consultant will answer questions.
For individuals requiring special assistance, ALDOT request you contact Mr. DeJarvis Leonard, P.E. at the East Central Region Engineer located at 1020 Bankhead Highway – West in Birmingham. Request for special assistance should be received at least five business days prior to the meeting.