By Joshua Huff, sports editor
TRUSSVILLE — Alabama drivers will soon be ticketed for two new traffic laws that are set to become enforced on Nov. 1.
The Anti-Road Rage law and seat-belt law went into effect on Sept. 1, however, those laws were on a 60-day trial period. Officers were not ticketing people during that trial period; only warnings were issued.
Starting Nov. 1, the Anti-Road Rage law will prohibit drivers from staying in the leftmost lane of the interstate for more than a mile and a half without passing another vehicle. Exceptions will be made for bad weather, road construction, heavy traffic or if preparing to exit the interstate from the left lane.
Emergency vehicles are exempt, of course.
The new seat belt law will require each person within the vehicle to buckle up. If someone in the back seat is unbuckled, a ticket will be only be issued if the vehicle is stopped for another reason. Should the unbuckled person be a licensed driver, a ticket will be issued. If not, the driver will be dealt a citation.
Tickets priced will vary, but the fine can reach as high as $200.