By Joshua Huff, sports editor
CENTER POINT — The Center Point City Council met on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019, and passed several new business resolutions in addition to receiving a special gift from Senator Linda Coleman-Madison.
The city council passed the following resolutions:
1). Resolution to consider entering into a bus service agreement with the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority. That resolution passed with one dissenting vote: Linda Kennemur.
2). A resolution to consider enhancing law enforcement service with the sheriff’s department. That resolution passed unanimously. Kennemur, who is employed at the Center Point Elementary School, introduced a proposition that involved adding a school resource officer at the elementary school.
“We don’t have a resource officer,” Kennemur said to the council. “Ours has quit. So, that leaves us without one. This is the only school is Jefferson County without a resource officer. I was wondering if maybe we could let Center Point Elementary borrow one of our officers. We had a lockdown the other day without one.”
The council will mull the idea over.
3). A resolution to consider adding defbrillators at the library and Hillcrest Manor. That resolution passed unanimously.
4). A resolution to consider amending the zoning ordinance. That resolution passed unanimously.
The council discussed the monetary distributions to each area school. As follows: Center Point High School, $21,840; Middle School, $19,280; Elementary School, $20,080; Intermediate School, $18,800.
The meeting concluded with Coleman-Madison presenting the city council with a $5,000 check to be given to a senior citizen group.
“The funds come from our Jefferson County legislative funds,” Coleman-Madison said. “I want to present to Center Point, for the senior citizens, $5,000.”