By Joshua Huff, sports editor
SPRINGVILLE — The city of Springville issued a burn ban on Wednesday following the Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC) upgrading the recent Fire Danger Advisory to a statewide Fire Alert.
The ban halts the privileges of burning with a permit along with other uses of open fire within city limits. In addition, the city suspended the issuance of burn permits for open burning. All permitted fires now require notification and approval from the Springville Fire Department. The permitted uses encompass:
1). Fires set for recreational or ceremonial purposes.
2). Fire set to abate a fire hazard, providing the hazard is so declared by the AHJ.
3). Fires set for the control of disease or pest.
4). Fires set for the purpose of training personnel in the methods of firefighting.
5). Fire set for recognized agriculture, silviculture, range and wildlife management practices.
6). Fires set in salamanders or other devices used for outdoor heating by workers or other individuals.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Springville Fire Department at (205) 467-2703 for additional information.