From The Trussville Tribune staff reports
TRUSSVILLE — Progress is being made in Trussville’s downtown Entertainment District.
FAA Certified Drone Pilot Chris McLain took an aerial photo of the progress. The first phase of parking is complete. Another lot is currently being curbed and will soon be poured to complete the main public parking area of the Entertainment District.
The paving of Beech Street is scheduled to be completed by the end of October. That is when Ferus Artisan Ales plans to open to the public.
SEE RELATED STORY: Ferus Artisan Ales brewing in the heart of Trussville
Trussville Mayor Buddy Choat offered progress report Thursday, as the stage floor was poured with concrete.
The plan for the Entertainment District, which also known as Quad One, will feature an event stage, a large pavilion, parking, retail shops, and restaurants.