Terry Morton Averitt, 63, passed away on Thursday, Aug. 15, 2019.
He was father to his two daughters, Whalo to his grandson, brother to his siblings, devoted son to his parents, and a witness to many luminous sunrises and clear skies on his journey. He is survived by his two loving daughters, Jessica Averitt Taylor (and significant other Alan Matthew Floyd) and Sarah Beth Averitt (and significant other Adam Sagraves); his grandson, James Owen Averitt Taylor; his mother, Corrine Morton Averitt; his brother, Barry Averitt (and family); his sister, Beth Ann Averitt Smith (and family); his former wife and longtime friend, Belinda Louise Averitt; and numerous beloved family and friends. Averitt was preceded in death by his father, Carleton Hugo Averitt. Terry was an adventurer, free-spirited and willful.
He loved the outdoors, nature, and traveling to new heights and unexplored territories. He spent many of his summers in the Canadian wilderness, often hiking, canoeing, and serving as a tour guide. He could often be found out on the lake in his boat fishing with his favorite companion, his dog Luke. Averitt was quick-witted, sarcastic, and enjoyed exploring mathematical riddles. He was deeply loved by his family and friends. Friends and family will gather at Jefferson Memorial on Friday, Aug. 16 from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. The memorial service for Averitt will begin at 6:30 p.m.