By Shaun Szkolnik for the Tribune
CENTER POINT — The Center Point City Council met on Thursday. Council President Roger Barlow led the room in a call to order, invocation and a pledge of allegiance to the flag. Afterwards, a roll call was performed, and once it was confirmed that a quorum had been achieved, the council proceeded with city business.
Under new business the council approved a memorandum of understanding with Jefferson County regarding debris removal. It was approved unanimously.
Under unfinished business the council considered a resolution deciding not to demolish a residence located at 2212 Second Street NE. The property was slated for destruction, due to its state of disrepair and as it might have been a danger to the public, but the property owners were able to make all the necessary repairs. The council passed, unanimously, a resolution to not demolish the property.
Also, under unfinished business the council considered a proposal to allow the Center Point Civic Association to donate the Civitan Park to the city of Center Point. The council decided to accept the donation unanimously.
At the conclusion of new and unfinished business the mayor addressed the council about the following items:
- Work has started on renovations to the community center
- Alabama Power gave a $15,000 grant to the city of Center Point to build walking trails around the soft-ball field and to pay for work to be done on the playground area.
- 32 people showed up for the Center Point golf tournament on Wednesday.
- The annual Christmas parade will be held on December 8 at 11 a.m.
- The mayor would like to set up a committee of seven to ten members, including a member that speaks Spanish, to work with the census that will take place in 2020.