From the Trussville Tribune staff reports
CLAY- The City of Clay will be hosting a regular council meeting Tuesday, August 28 at 6 p.m. The agenda for the meeting is as follows.
- Call to Order
- Prayer
- Pledge to the Flag
- Roll Call
- Approval of minutes
Pre-Council and Regular Council Minutes: August 14, 2018
- Approve Agendas
Approve Meeting Agenda
Approve Consent Agenda (Financial)
- Mayor and Council Comments
- Mayor Webster
- Councilor Baker
- Councilor Becky Johnson
- Councilor Bo Johnson
- Councilor Locke
- Councilor Thackerson
- Reading of Petitions, Applications, Complaints, Appeals, Communications, etc.
- City Manager’s Report/Auditing Accounts
- Public Hearings
Public Hearing, Personal Property, 6963 Old Springville Road
- Resolutions, Ordinances, Orders, and other business
Enter Into Unanimous Consent
Resolution 2018-35 A Resolution Authorizing the Elimination of a Nuisance Upon Private Property (personal)
Resolution 2018-36 A Resolution Abating Weeds on the Property Located at 5176 Yorkshire Drive
Resolution 2018-37 A Resolution Abating Weeds on the Property Located at 5180 Yorkshire Drive
Resolution 2018-38 A Resolution Declaring Personal Property to be a Public Nuisance
End Unanimous Consent
- Public Comments
- Adjourn
Next City Council Meeting –Tuesday, September 11, 2018