August 14, 2018
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Pledge to the Flag
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of minutes
Pre-Council and Regular Council Minutes: July 24, 2018
6. Approve Agendas
Approve Meeting Agenda
Approve Consent Agenda (Financial)
7. Mayor and Council Comments
a. Mayor Webster
b. Councilor Baker
c. Councilor Becky Johnson
d. Councilor Bo Johnson
e. Councilor Locke
f. Councilor Thackerson
8. Reading of Petitions, Applications, Complaints, Appeals, Communications, etc.
9. City Manager’s Report/Auditing Accounts
10. Public Hearings
Public Hearing, Weed Abatement
5219 Jean Drive
Public Hearing, Personal Property
5758 Cherry Road
6723 Trussville Clay Road
7331 Whitney Drive
11. Resolutions, Ordinances, Orders, and other business
Enter Into Unanimous Consent
Resolution 2018-27 A Resolution Declaring Equipment Surplus
Resolution 2018-28 Interlocal Agreement with Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency for
Outdoor Warning Siren System Maintenance
Resolution 2018-29 A Resolution Authorizing the Elimination of a Nuisance Upon Private Property (weeds)
Resolution 2018-30 A Resolution Authorizing the Elimination of a Nuisance Upon Private Property (personal)
Resolution 2018-31 A Resolution Abating Weeds on the Property Located at 5530 Spanish Trace
Resolution 2018-32 A Resolution Abating Weeds on the Property Located at 5542 Spanish Trace
Resolution 2018-33 A Resolution Abating Weeds on the Property Located at 5870 Brenda Drive
Resolution 2018-34 A Resolution Declaring Weeds to be a Public Nuisance
End Unanimous Consent
12. Public Comments
13. Adjourn
Next City Council Meeting –Tuesday, August 28, 2018