August 6, 2018
□ Police Officer and Firefighter commendations
□ Minutes of July 16 regular meeting
□ Minutes of August 1 work session
□ Springville Public Library-summer reading program report
□ Expenditure approvals-Court phone headsets-$610.82
-Police Dept tires for Chargers-$993.44
-Fire recruit school – $800
-Springfest expenses (see attached list)
□ Resolution 2018- 22 Amend Council Organizational Resolution regarding rules of order
□ James Hill – easement approval for gas station
□ Consider bid received for paving of VFW road and parking lot
□ Schedule a special called council meeting for August 27 at 6pm to hold a public hearing regarding a
proposed ordinance to zone newly annexed property (Wright Farm property) and to consider the proposed
□ Reschedule regular council meeting from September 3 to September 10 at 6pm due to Labor Day holiday
(work session for this meeting will be held on September 10 at 5pm)
□ June budget report
□ St Clair Times Football Edition Advertisement – $390.20
□ SHS Football Program Advertisement – $275.00
□ School Resource Officer agreement with St. Clair County Commission
□ Mayor’s reappointment of Walter Coleman to Planning & Zoning Commission-6 year term
□ Mayor’s Report