Springville City Council Work Session
Aug. 1
3 p.m.
Expenditure approvals
-Court phone headsets-$610.82
-Police Dept Tires for Chargers-$993.44
-Fire Recruit School – $800
-Springfest expenses (see attached list)
James Hill
-Rules of Order
-Proposed New Castle Agreement
-MacDonald Farm Development
-Licensing agreement for city parks
Schedule a special called council meeting for August 27 at 6pm to hold a public hearing regarding a
proposed ordinance to zone newly annexed property (Wright Farm property) and to consider the proposed
Reschedule regular council meeting from September 3 to September 10 at 6pm due to Labor Day holiday
(work session for this meeting will be held on September 10 at 5pm)
June budget report
St Clair Times Football Edition Advertisement – $390.20
SHS Football Program Advertisement – $275.00
Resolution 2018-22 MacDonald Farms Weed Abatement Lots 20, 22, 48, 47 (1st Resolution)
School Resource Officers