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  1. 1

    Dianne Bobo-Carraway

    This is trying to forget history!!!

  2. 2

    Christopher Card

    But that same mayor of our state’s largest city will be THE FIRST ONE IN LINE to protest building a wall along our country’s southern border…..does anyone else see the hypocrisy there??? He’d be better served making Birmingham a safer, better educated, more prosperous community. Rather than worrying about a statue that he could easily remedy by building a civil rights statue and having it put in Linn Park or better yet every city park. Give every city park a civil rights statue. File it under infrastructure. Get President Trump to help pay for it through the infrastructure bill and we all come out winners.

  3. 4

    Amanda Rains

    Forgetting the history slave supporters is fine by me.

  4. 5

    Roy Busler

    Build them walls, divide, segregate, go back to the 60’s with this shit! Give me a break!

  5. 6

    Charles Bush

    I hope somebody comes along and tears that damn wall down!

  6. 7

    Judy Williams Coleman

    Fine ! Now go take the friggin MLK street sign down, the Civil Rights museum needs closed , Black History month needs to be banned let’s just just say screw history and take every bit of it down and not teach history any more! Fair is fair!

  7. 8

    Ron Cherry

    He is trying to buy votes with this junk. This is about the dumbest crap I have seen. He is trying to rewrite history

  8. 9

    Jennifer W Bain

    I am so tired of people trying to wipe out our Southern History! There have been events happening since the beginning of time that have been terrible. Lots and lots of things. Sure , the War Between The States was a difficult time in American history. But it did happen. I do not think slavery or owning people is right. But the war was not all about slavery. Leave the monuments and statues alone. I see a lot of street names , building names etc. that I totally do not agree with. Others feel the same probably. But you don’t see me or the ones that feel like I do, going out and destroying them.

  9. 11

    Jennifer McCauley Markstrom

    This is exactly how I feel about these events. I thought we were all being told to be more tolerant!

  10. 12

    Lay Dean James

    Next they will be trying to really get over on the true ancestors of this country the American Indian

  11. 13

    Tonya Hardin Yarchak

    Can no one but me see the humor here? They didn’t destroy it, remove it or alter it. They simply erected a temporary structure around it. Actually, it’s probably better protected from protesters now than any other memorial/monument. I’m actually glad that the City of Birmingham took a thoughtful approach to this issue instead of the knee jerk reaction they typically go about things.

  12. 14
  13. 16

    Nick Smith

    So not having a monument to glorify something, Is forgetting it? I don’t care about the monuments either way. I think the confederacy was wrong, and think some of my ancestors were wrong that fought for it. But I don’t care about a stupid statue.

  14. 17

    William Kennedy

    Raise your hand, statue enthusiasts. When’s the last time you set foot in Linn Park?

  15. 18

    Kathryn Smith

    I guess Bell would like to take the attention away from our high crime rate. Who would go to the park after dark anyway?

  16. 19

    Brittany Tynes

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who giggled for half a second at this. In NO way do I support this, it actually disgusts me, but for a moment when I saw this I thought, “wow, so hidden. they must feel so badass.” I am glad it wasn’t destroyed in any way. They know they’re going to get a reaction out of people, and the people give it to them. It’s just basically what the world has come to. 😏

  17. 20

    Tonya Hardin Yarchak

    I recognize the pressure they are under to remove such monuments. I have mixed feelings about it, my self. I’ve lived in Alabama my whole life, I have ancestors who fought on both sides of the civil war but these monuments hold little meaning for me personally. I do think they are works of art that should be preserved in some way.

  18. 21

    Allen Long


    Seriously why is this an issue. Are we near an election year for city leaders again? Shouldn’t they be more concerned with tackling the crime issue, improving education, or how about fixing the potholes on a lot of these city streets? Those are all far more important than an old statue in Lynn Park.

  19. 22

    Drake Odeneal

    Build a wall around Birmingham.

  20. 23

    Nicholas Santiago

    Luckily the far leftist haven’t recruited any Mexicans on their side cause #wallsdontmatter. Too soon?

  21. 24

    Joyce M Ashley


    Read this and educate yourself. It is laughable what Mayor Bell did.

  22. 26

    Janet Nelson Eubanks

    I was there last night, and felt perfectly safe.

  23. 27

    Rhonda Roberts Hickman

    I wish they were as concerned about the lighting along the interstate. Funny how they can’t fix that issue that has been going on for a long time now.

  24. 28

    Annette Smith Gorham

    They did break the law! If citizens did this, they’d be arrested. Period.

  25. 29

    Beverly Elders Cross

    These statues have been here for many many years. I’m just confused as to why they are just now causing such a huge problem.

  26. 30

    Tonya Hardin Yarchak

    Unfortunately, lighting on the interstate is in the state’s control. Much like the park that has taken 5 years to complete.

  27. 31

    Kathryn Smith

    Janet Nelson Eubanks I’m sure last night there was lots of security. Try it another time when there’s no spot light on it.
    U r taking a risk. I know first hand.

  28. 32
  29. 33

    Ronald Tetlow

    The mayor and city leaders of Birmingham need to be put in arrested and be force to tear there wall down this violence toward civil war is nonsense my kids or grandkids will not understand civil war if history is take away

  30. 35

    Tammy McCown

    How? How does removing a statue in government property, a statue glorifying treason against said government, change history??
    Concentration camps and gas chambers have been leveled. That did not change the fact there was a Holocaust. There are no statues to Nazi’s in Germany, and that does not change the fact he was a monster.
    I have no problem with these being in private property or being in a museum. They do not belong on our public areas.

  31. 37

    Tammy McCown

    I jave no problem at all being downtown or anywhere. Have never been afraid.

  32. 38

    Norman Biddy

    why have they not tore down the Alamo in texas??? oh i didnt mean to give them any ideas

  33. 39

    Kathryn Smith

    Tammy McCown everyone thinks about their own experience. I’m glad yours has turned out well.

  34. 40

    Jeff Carter

    They need to sale them and some one put them on some land and if you won’t to you can go see them

  35. 41

    Jamie Ball

    And the need to take down all Martin Luther King signs and all Martin Luther King statues because he was against gay marriage right?

  36. 42

    Ellen Foster ORear

    Bell and Austin need to step down. This city is everyone’s and these two are being racist to the extreme

  37. 43

    Jeff Odeneal

    Amazing that political leaders and media feel this is more time worthy, than the 68 homicides that have gone on in Birmingham so far this year. But what do I know about priorities?

  38. 44

    Alen Turner

    Needs to be protected

  39. 45

    Mike Clark

    Not arguing, but that probably can be asked of most that want it removed as well.

  40. 46

    Patty Vandrell Pearson

    I think a lot of people are forgetting there are laws. So many people and groups are breaking these laws and are not being punished for it. We have laws to protect us and our cities etc. OBEY THE LAW PEOPLE.

  41. 47

    Celeste M Blair

    Yeah, and mayor Bell has been mayor for how long now? And suddenly it’s a problem for him when it becomes trendy?

  42. 48

    Jason Sherk

    There are no statues of Hitler, but all Jewish and German remember, hopefully the whole World does.

  43. 49

    Jason Sherk

    Maybe because they were fighting for America and not against it?

  44. 50

    Tammy McCown

    I just do not choose to look at black people as all criminals.

  45. 51

    Jason Sherk

    They look so cute chanting tough hate with Bed Bath and Beyond tiki torches. Looks kinda gay to me.

  46. 52

    Andy Sullivan

    I’m offended that it’s covered up!!!!

  47. 53

    Jason Sherk

    Tolerance of Racist Traitors is not what tolerance is about.

  48. 55

    Emmett Haislip

    No more white history, no more welfare. Then the madness would stop.

  49. 56

    Kathryn Smith

    Tammy McCown I don’t think the word black people has been in this conversation. Criminals come in all colors.

  50. 57

    Johnathon Upchurch

    They should build a wall around the mayors office with him in it and keep it there until he can balance b’hams budget.

  51. 58

    Melissa Thompson

    Remind me…which battle was fought at Linn Park? Which Confederate soldier was buried there?

  52. 59

    Diana Katrina Ingram

    They did it that way because they didn’t have a choice. His initial plan was to destroy it.

  53. 60

    Diana Katrina Ingram

    Discrimination; the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.


  54. 62

    Cindy Kay Nix

    I was thinking today why does it make me so mad I never visit these parks.

  55. 64

    Marie King

    It’s all about the mayoral election on Aug 22. William Bell wants votes.

  56. 67

    Debi Krueger Hart

    Tammy McCown I am currently living in Germany. Not all Extermination/Concentration camps have not been leveled. And it was the Nazi’s who leveled them trying to hide evidence. I have stood in a gas chamber, and seen the bullet holes in the walls were people were shot. There are many of Hitlers buildings in tact. At his rally grounds they play soccer games. Now you will not see a swastika in a park you will see it in a museum.

  57. 68

    Tammy McCown

    And that is where these statues belong.

  58. 69

    Tammy McCown

    I never specified who destroyed some of the camps. My point is destroying them did not change history. Moving a statue won’t either

  59. 70

    Joe Domnanovich

    Tear down the racist City Hall.

  60. 71

    Kelli Penque

    They can build a wall that fast but can’t build a bridge or finish roadwork in a million years

  61. 72

    Wanda Stack

    Guilty guilty guilty.
    25,000 $ fine. Sock it to ’em.

  62. 73

    Sylvester Poe

    Put Bell in jail put Bell in jail

  63. 74

    Sylvester Poe

    Put a wall around that MLK monument it’s a dye sore of Alabama

  64. 75

    Patrick Jonathan

    I am sorry but what negative connotation does Martin Luther Kings legacy or the end of segregation through the civil rights movements have to do with this? You want to attack MLK who lived 100 years after the Civil War over the monuments being covered?? Where is the logic in that other than blatant racism?

  65. 77

    Patrick Jonathan

    You’re just reaching to find something to take away from African Americans. Educate yourself since all your brain can do is resort to insults.


  66. 78

    Patrick Jonathan

    Don’t even bother responding old man. I can see from your previous posts you are confirmed ignorant.

  67. 82

    Joey Blalock

    Jonathan Austin is a little weasel!

  68. 86

    Amber Busler Donlan

    Also, his great-great grandson as come out to say that their family is ok with them coming down.

  69. 88

    Briana Moore

    I think they should take it down and put it somewhere that is safe for interested people to go and view it. I haven’t been in Linn Park in over 20 years – don’t go anywhere in Bham that isn’t just completely unavoidable.

  70. 89

    Roland Hill

    No more welfare would hurt your race reasearch the statistical data

  71. 90

    Kim Hutchison

    Taking these monuments down will not change how people feel or think.
    It will not change a racist persons perspective.
    It will not make things better.
    You can’t erase history and you can’t avoid it.
    But apparently the people that want to destroy history and monuments are too stupid and ignorant to realize any of that.
    They think they can just destroy what they want, and do what they want, and that there will be no repercussions on their part.
    But what they don’t see and choose to not see is that it’s only going to get worse.
    What are they gonna take down next? That’s my question.
    Get your head out of your asses and wake up and realize you can’t change the past, you can’t change history, and you won’t be able to change the right of freedom.

  72. 91

    Khalia Kennedy

    How is that fair? Are you senile?

  73. 93

    Judy Williams Coleman

    Khalia Kennedy no I’m not senile but if they want to take one statue down take all of them down! I can live with no statues! It’s very fair! I hate history so remove it ALL end of problem!

  74. 94

    Bailey Wood

    MLK signs and memorials represent a largely peaceful movement for equality and unity. Confederate statues represent treason against the United States. I see a pretty big difference there

  75. 95
  76. 96

    Bailey Wood

    Judy Williams Coleman I’m not arguing for the destruction of the statues. I just don’t think we should glorify traitors. Museums contain history too. Where are there statues of Hitler in Germany?

  77. 97

    Judy Williams Coleman

    Bailey Wood they have concentration camps in Germany that you can go tour!

  78. 98

    Kenny Denham

    It’s not rewriting history; it will still be in libraries. It’s just not a constant reminder to African Americans that they live in a state that condoned slavery!

  79. 99

    Kenny Denham

    If you think that way then we don’t want you anyway–move to Atlanta and deal with the traffic

  80. 100

    Kenny Denham

    It’s not rewriting history; it will still be in libraries. The statues are a constant reminder to African Americans that they live in a state that condoned slavery!

  81. 101

    Kenny Denham

    Dude. Covering racist civil war monuments is racist? Please try to defend your point.

  82. 102

    Kenny Denham

    MLK promoted non-violent protests which is far from what I saw last week in Charlottesville.

  83. 103

    Kenny Denham

    Why? Did you fight in the civil war? I had ancestors that did and I’m not offended.

  84. 104

    Kenny Denham

    Guilty of…what, exactly ?

  85. 107

    Wanda Stack

    Hi Kenny Denham. I know you. Lol

  86. 108

    Patrick Jonathan

    No one is changing or erasing history. Pick up a book it will all still be there.


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