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  1. 2

    Kim Hutchison

    Taking these monuments down will not change how people feel or think.
    It will not change a racist persons perspective.
    It will not make things better.
    You can’t erase history and you can’t avoid it.
    But apparently the people that want to destroy history and monuments are too stupid and ignorant to realize any of that.
    They think they can just destroy what they want, and do what they want, and that there will be no repercussions on their part.
    But what they don’t see and choose to not see is that it’s only going to get worse.
    What are they gonna take down next? That’s my question.
    Get your head out of your asses and wake up and realize you can’t change the past, you can’t change history, and you won’t be able to change the right of freedom.

  2. 3

    Sharon Mcclung Bahm

    I think the mayor missed a big opportunity to strike a compromise and leave the art piece as is. You can’t re write history but you can affect lives in the present.

  3. 6

    Connie Echols Alexander

    Why should it not stand where it is.

  4. 7

    Brandi N Brad

    Way to go AG good job!

  5. 8

    Mark Kelly

    Of all things for the Attorney General of Alabama to be on top of, it speaks volumes that this is it.

  6. 9

    Roland Hill

    You’re right you cant erase history. We as African Americans will not erase from our history the way your ancestors beat our ancestors treated us like shit less than human beings, raped our women spat on us, beat us, bombed our church in this racist ass State, hosed us Hell to the no we”re not going to forget it either 50 years ago it was my mother getting hosed go to hell with gasoline drawers on.

  7. 10

    Rusty Piersol

    Whether they realize it or not they are driving a wedge of resentment between the races. These days just about everyone is offended by something and those in power are stomping on those who do not have political power. If you want to take down a monument that has been standing for this length of time it should be an open discussion followed by a vote of the people of the community it involves.

  8. 11

    LaNita Cox

    When history is destroyed and dismissed it leaves those in the future unable to learn from past mistakes. This leaves us open to repeating those mistakes. We may not be proud of the past but we should never pretend it never happened.

  9. 12

    Lawanda Burke

    You would think that a mayor with weekly shootings of children, daily shootings in his city would choose to address those issues. That would be the right thing to do but when you are a racist running for re-election, I guess you have your priorities mixed up.

  10. 14

    Roland Hill

    We have a leader of the US a racist what’s the difference he’s on a higher level with his illiterate A.

  11. 16

    Tjo Johnson

    That requires logic, reasoning and negotiation… we are talking about Birmingham leadership lol 😂

  12. 17

    Mike Rudulph

    A wedge between the races? Are you sure all white people feel the same as you?

  13. 18

    Sandra Baswell

    Just dont know what this world coming too.

  14. 19

    William Kennedy

    Funny. People who scream for states’ rights want those rights to stop at Montgomery.

    How’s about letting the local populace have a say in what they have to look at e every day.

  15. 20

    Tombstone Ted

    Obama is still “Remaking America” even when he is out of office.

  16. 21

    Rusty Piersol

    Mike Rudulph well I am pretty sure I do not speak for anyone other than myself. Unlike the mayors of these cities removing monuments without regard for the voting public. If the majority of the voting public is for the removal then who am I to question the removal. Until you can prove to me that it is the majority that wants this I will question their motives. Thank you very much.

  17. 22

    Rusty Piersol

    Tjo Johnson very true. I would never mistake them for rational people

  18. 23

    Richard Norton

    Can you say PANDER. He is running for full term.

  19. 24

    Joey Blalock

    Question! Should we take down all the monuments of Washington and Jefferson? You do know they were slave owners?

  20. 26

    Joey Blalock

    Political move on Bells part! Election time! Am I to believe that that monument is just now bothering him! He’s just stirring the pot! Bell has done nothing for Birmingham but make himself richer. He’s a POS just like all politicians

  21. 27

    Jay Staas

    The question could be, with the city facing bankruptcy, violent out of contro with 2 or 3 kids killed in the last day or so, why was covering up the statue a priority for the mayor?

  22. 28

    Doug Williams

    Mike there are actually many black that had family fight as well

  23. 30

    Wendy Williams Wright

    Jay Staas my thoughts too!!!

  24. 32

    Jessica Sweatman Nicholson

    All he’s trying to do is create some drama to bring publicity to his crooked self. He’ll end up getting more than he bargains for bringing chaos to our city.

  25. 34

    Cole Stephens

    Birmingham is the shithole of Alabama couldn’t happen to a better city!

  26. 35

    Craig Mix

    Well said Lawanda! Big fan!

  27. 36

    Thomas Burleson

    Of all the things that the mayor of Birmingham could focus his attention on and he chose this, go figure! Guess he needed the attention and votes ahead of next week’s election. Bravo 👏

  28. 37

    Craig Mix

    Roland Hill why are you bring up Trump? All Trump is guilty of is loving America, loving all Americans equally, boosting our economy, creating over a million jobs and giving Americans hope and enthusiasm for America’s future. So sad your comments are disrespecting such a great man. Hope you can get rid of your hatred and help the rest of us Make America Great Again. After all, we are all in this together, right?

  29. 38

    Thomas Burleson

    Yes, lets! Pretty sure they haven’t held that vote of the citizens yet.

  30. 41

    Joey Blalock

    Wait I thought all these democrats were against all these walls! DA’s

  31. 44

    Kerrie Shoults Stephens

    The Mayor of Birmingham needs to be worrying more about violent crime in his city than these monuments. TWO MORE homicides took place in the city during the building of this barricade

  32. 45

    Kerrie Shoults Stephens

    The Mayor of Birmingham needs to be worrying more about violent crime in his city than these monuments. TWO MORE homicides took place in the city during the building of this barricade

  33. 46

    Nichalaus Sims

    The backhanded comments on this thread speak volumes about how ready people are to jump on the opportunity to bring down others and even their own community.

  34. 47

    Nichalaus Sims

    The backhanded comments on this thread speak volumes about how ready people are to jump on the opportunity to bring down others and even their own community.

  35. 48

    Dianne Bobo-Carraway

    Yeah!!! This is history not racism

  36. 49

    Dianne Bobo-Carraway

    Yeah!!! This is history not racism

  37. 50

    Zaneta Lamar

    He just filed that law suit to please all his racist constituents.

  38. 51

    Zaneta Lamar

    Take that history to your park or your front yard

  39. 52

    Zaneta Lamar

    You all are showing just how racist y’all are.

  40. 53

    Mark Kelly

    Smart people can question the mayor’s motivations AND bemoan the attorney general’s apparently successful appeal to white supremacy.

  41. 54

    Thomas Burleson

    No, city residents elected him. People who see the monument everyday and should have a say are living in Jefferson County, Shelby County, Blount County, St Clair County and Walker County not just in the city of Birmingham.

  42. 55

    Donna Fields

    I disagree with removing them, I would not get a vote because I do not live in the city limits. Rarely go there and spend money, it doesn’t seem to be a safe city. GRANDSTANDING mayor and city leaders. Some never learn that some things you leave alone and move on. Pick your battles mayor you have a lot of crime and murders in the “fair” city.

  43. 56

    Donna Fields

    When people like Roland realize stuff like this is what holds people back. I agree Craig Mix on your view of Trump. If all this stupidly would stop he could get on with fixing the mess in this country.

  44. 57

    Donna Fields

    I don’t like him, he and Holder did alot to grow the racial divide in such a short time. It seems like people turn out just to be violent and destroy stuff.

  45. 58

    Donna Fields

    Some are showing how logical they are. Only the logical can see it.

  46. 59

    J Jewell

    I see Roland Hill Is back, for real quiet and then found his platform to further his racist rants. I sent it to FedEx for review cause I’m not so sure you won’t destroy stuff that is going to white receivers. You are so ignorant. That you actually said our President is illiterate and first misspelled it. That our ancestors sold yours into slavery. Your ancestors sold your own ancestors into slavery. That’s how mine found out about it in the trade triangle. Get off Facebook and open a history book, oh, wait..you want to remove all history so I guess we can not have the questions of Dad, who is that statue of? That, son, was someone who fought to keep the country divided in slavery of blacks….and they were wrong for it , they did not win that fight and all they got was a stupid statue. So that these questions are asked”. You must HATE CONDOLEEZZA RICE? Since she is totally opposite to your views to erase any and all reverence the DEMOCRATS created and erected. Please educate yourself.

  47. 60
  48. 61

    William Kennedy

    So, do the good people of Pelham and Jasper have to clear local decisions with Birmingham?

  49. 62

    Gail Smith Wright

    Under cover of darkness the “so-called” leaders of Birmingham broke a state law and tried to hide this monument. It actually appears to be giving “the finger” to history, the state laws, and those who believe history should be preserved as a lesson for generations.

  50. 63

    Jason Sherk

    A statue of a traitor is not history. Just idol worship.

  51. 64

    Jason Sherk

    Statue of a racist traitor doesn’t belong in the U.S.A.

  52. 65

    Jason Sherk

    Joey Blalock They weren’t traitors.

  53. 66

    Jason Sherk

    Thomas Burleson Yeah, since I drive through a city that I don’t live in, I still can have a say about their public parks. Idiot much?

  54. 67

    Jason Sherk

    Thomas Burleson Maybe the citizens of Birmingham should have a say in Blount or Walker County-that would be epic.

  55. 68

    Roland Hill

    You’re an ignorant bastard thank you for reading my comments I’m a self made man I don’t work for whitey Biach so you look at that under review and stick it in your racist A$&. Condoleeza is a beautiful African American Queen that somehow fell victim to the racist rhetoric. I don’t need to read history, I live it everyday. Do what u do best take your tiki torch and stick it.

  56. 69

    Shirley Carmack

    First the cross in Pensacola, now this? Yet this is still standing .
    God help a country that sees nothing wrong with this.

  57. 70

    Thomas Burleson

    William Kennedy, Jason Sherk my point is the local populace isn’t the only ones looking at it everyday. So the point of the people who look at it everyday having a say in whether it stays or goes is my point. Local residents are not the only ones who have to look at it. So therefore whoever sees it daily should have a voice in the matter. No Birmingham shouldn’t have a say in Walker County’s local decisions or Blount County’s decisions but your moronic ways of thinking can’t comprehend what I’m trying to say!

  58. 71

    Jason Sherk

    We are still under his fiscal year budget.

  59. 73

    Kim Hutchison

    Shequita Nixon thank you

  60. 76
  61. 78

    Tombstone Ted

    Thats how you start a Socialistic Revolution. You over burden those with money, take the middle class and destroy their income then you tell the poor its everyone else fault and they need to stand up and revolt…. there you have the makings of a revolution into socialism. OBAMA DID ALL THIS LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD DO…. “Remaking America” the way he wanted it. George Sorros is financing it all.

  62. 79

    Gail Smith Wright

    Jason Sherk he was a graduate of West Point, served this country in the Mexican-American war, was a decorated member of the U S military. He is part of our history. Every monument in this country could be offensive to someone. We could just take them all down, quit teaching history, and let idiots remain idiots.

  63. 80

    Brenda Hasty

    Sad thing is it will be costing us the taxpayers.

  64. 81

    Leevon Crenshaw

    Can we all agree this is a total waste of tax dollars and resources?

  65. 82

    Justin Misso

    This monument should never come down.

  66. 83

    James Pate

    Actually he deserted the U.S military for the confederacy. Not very honorable in my opinion

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