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  1. 1

    Kevin Small

    What is the record for White House staff turnover?

  2. 3

    Doug Williams

    Lol Liberals would have cried either way. It was either his language or President Trump firing him. Either way they will find a way to complain

  3. 4

    Mark Kelly

    LOL, and “conservatives” are busy even as we speak trying to find a way to blame Obama for Trump’s decision to hire his Mini-Me for a job for which he was eminently unqualified. Of course, that alone hardly distinguishes him in this administration. We’ll see if Gen. Kelly is adult enough to bring order to the chaos in the White House; for the good of our country, we can only hope. At this point, a week or two without another resignation or firing would be a step in the right direction.

  4. 5

    Doug Williams

    Well we know that Obama also had trust in Kelly so I’m sure we are in the right track

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