By Bethany Adams, For The Tribune
CENTER POINT— On Thursday night, Center Point Council President Roger Barlow recognized Councilors Danny King and Raymond Olan.
“This will be their final meeting, and we thank them for their service and for their contribution to the city,” Barlow said. The Center Point City Council swearing-in ceremony will be held on Monday, November 7 at 5 p.m.
The meeting began with public comments from Birmingham resident Keyon Woods. According to Woods, her home in Woodside Condominiums has been flooded on numerous occasions since 2006 due to debris left in the ditch by a lawn service.
“I have $65,000 worth of property damage,” Woods said, explaining that her home insurance providers dropped her due to the flooding. She explained that she has attempted to resolve the issue with the city of Birmingham and ALDOT, but that her efforts have not produced results. Mayor Tom Henderson and Barlow agreed to contact officials on her behalf.
Woods also expressed concerns about the presence of break-ins and thefts in the area, as well as a number of shootings.
“My kids can’t even play with their toys or anything outside, because I’m afraid that somebody’s going to take their stuff,” Woods said.
Later during the meeting, the council voted 3-2 on an ordinance rezoning the Center Point Shopping Center on Center Point Parkway from a C1 to a C1A. The decision will allow for the sale of alcohol within businesses in the center.
The council also approved a parking waiver for a Center Point resident due to a physical disability. The waiver will allow the resident, who was represented by Donna Craigo, to park his vehicle on the grass in order to better access his home.
“He’s not here, because, as his doctor’s letter stated, he can only walk five to ten feet with a walker,” Craigo said. She also stated that they are in the process of obtaining a motorized scooter, and that they have never violated the parking ordinance in the past.
Craigo also requested that the city return the tax forms which were required to obtain the permit, stating that she was denied her request to have copies made when she submitted them with the application. The forms were returned following the meeting.
The meeting ended with the council voting to establish the schedule for City Council meetings in the coming year. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 22 at 7 p.m.
Sharon Blackwood Wilbourn
I would like to add to this. I posted this on my Facebook group “whats really happening in Center Point,Al”
Council meeting 11/3/16
If I get names wrong, sorry
Mayor and all council in Attendance
I noticed Mr. Haygood had the yearly financial report. Ric Weide let me know that if you go to the office they will give you one.
Council president Barlow recognized Danny King and Raymond Olan for their service to the city. This is their last council meeting. Thank you for your service.
Public comment:
Donna Crago spoke on behalf of Earl Thompson on a parking waiver. Doctor letter says he can only walk 5-10 feet. And she wants his 1040s back council approved said next time to send copies instead of the originals. She had to send them in for some kinda parking pass. I’m not really sure what the pass is for but she has to pay for it.
Kim Woods asked about a problem with woodside condominiums. She is actually in the city of Birmingham but this concerns areas of Center Point, Birmingham and Jefferson county. Sounds to me like she’s been giving the run around and none is helping her. Problems she said are Woodside is throwing debris into the ditches which is causing her basement to flood multiple of times, her insurance has dropped her because of this. She said Ala dot came In The summer and cleaned it out. But it took no time to stop up again. Jefferson county is suppose to keep it cleaned out and they don’t. She’s concerned for her and her families safety, her home has been broken into several times, her kids can’t go out to play cause of some of the criminals at Woodside. She had had over $65000 worth of property damage. She has put up cameras because of all the drug dealings and sex in cars that she has witnessed. She has called every law
Number and went to every city council meetings she can to get some kinda help. These and the charter apartments don’t have to abide by the ordinances because charter is section 8 and Woodside is independently owned even thought most are rented out. She’s frustrated that nothing’s being done. Mr. Barlow says he will be talking to Lt. Mayes to see if there’s something that can be done.
Mr. Haygood: asked if whenever the city starts collecting money from the tickets if they will have Regions or some financial place handle the money since the council can’t handle what they already have Mr. Barlow dismissed him I just love Mr.Haygood
Next he handed each council member some papers that had pics on them, he said that is all. Mrs.Kennemur stated after looking at the papers “oh that’s my house”
The photos was of a truck parked in the grass at her house. sorry but that was funny
Swearing in of the new councilmen will be Monday at 5pm, meeting afterwards.
Danny King thanked everyone
Councilman John Leesburg wanted to recognize the 6 and under football team for not only being undefeated but they also was not scored on. .
The pic was sent to me by a resident, it shows Councilwoman Kennemurs truck parked on her grass.
That’s about all. Add more if I forgot anything.
James S Vining
Didn’t you know councilpersons don’t have to obey city ordinances!!! Or so they think