By Tribune Digital Media
NOTE: We apologize to the candidates and viewers for the audio technical difficulties. The issues were resolved following the July 26 forums featuring the Pinson mayoral forum and the Trussville city council Place 5 forum.
TRUSSVILLE –With election day approaching on Tuesday, we’re looking back on the political forums which aired live at over the last few weeks. The candidates from each of the contested races faced questions from Tribune Digital Media news anchor Brannon Dawkins and The Trussville Tribune publisher Scott Buttram.
The Trussville city council race Place 5 features candidates Dave Blount, Martha Driggers, and Zack Steele.
NOTE: Candidate Martha Driggers was invited to the forum, but did not attend.
The ’city council Place 5 forum begins at the 3:22:20 mark.
Kathy Sills
Dr. Steele……yes
Martha Franklin Driggers