By Southern Research
With mosquito season upon us, and as people make plans to travel throughout the summer, here are some facts about Zika virus transmission so you can take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and stay healthy.
The most common method of transmission is through the bite of an Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquito. However, Zika can also be transmitted sexually from a man to his partners.
In order to carry the Zika virus, a mosquito must first draw blood from a human or animal that is already infected. Once a mosquito comes in contact with the
virus, however, she can pass it along to other humans through the saliva she secretes when biting — this is the same chemical that irritates human skin and can leave welts.
The average lifespan of a mosquito is about two weeks. During this time, an infected mosquito may bite several people and can spread the virus with each bite. This process is compounded as the number of mosquitoes in a given area is increased.
Once a human is infected, he or she is most at risk of spreading the virus during the first two weeks of infection. After this time, most people will develop an autoimmunity and be protected from future infections.
Not everyone who has Zika will experience symptoms, but the most common symptoms are fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis (red eyes). There is also a rare chance of contracting a more severe condition like Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
Therefore, take proper precautions in order to not become infected or contribute to the spread of the virus:
- Wear protective clothing: Long-sleeved shirts and pants help to protect your skin from exposure to mosquitoes. You can also spray your clothes with insect repellant, or for extra protection, treat your clothes with permethrin.
- Use insect repellant: Be sure to look for active ingredients including DEET, PICARIDIN, IR3535, OIL of LEMON EUCALYPTUS, and PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL.
- Remember, daytime is the most dangerous: aegypti and A. albopictus are aggressive daytime biters, so take proper precautions and be aware that they also like to live indoors.
Zika and sexual transmission
Men are the only ones able to pass Zika to their partners through unprotected sex. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), if a man has been diagnosed with Zika, or has experienced Zika-type symptoms, he should abstain from sex or wear condoms for up to six months. Women cannot transmit Zika through sex.
Additionally, any individual who has traveled to areas where the virus is spreading should abstain from sex, or use a condom for eight weeks after travel.
For more information, visit the CDC website on Zika and sexual transmission.
Zika and pregnancy
Zika virus can have a damaging effect on the development of a fetal neural system if a pregnant woman is infected during the early stages of her pregnancy. According to a recent study published by researchers from Harvard and the CDC, a woman infected by Zika during her first trimester is shown to have a 13 percent risk that the child will develop microcephaly.
This same study found “negligible” risks for women infected with the virus late in the second or third trimesters. To date, there are no reports of Zika being passed to infant children through breastfeeding. More research is needed before the health community is able to make a definitive statement about the risks associated with microcephaly or other birth defects.