By Gary Lloyd
District Governor Tom Greene was the featured speaker at the Trussville Rotary Daybreak Club’s meeting last Wednesday.
With this year’s Rotary theme being “Engage Rotary. Change Lives,” Greene reminded Rotary members how Rotary changes lives – not only others’ lives but also your own. Rotary’s focus this year is on Rotary Leadership Institute, which is taught on three Saturdays and includes emphasis on leadership, teamwork and meeting people like themselves; administration issues, such as appropriate speakers, orderliness and consistency; and participation, which encourages membership growth, foundation participation and the use of social media to promote Rotary.
“What you overcome in life is what makes you successful – not what you accomplish,” Greene said. “You have to be a champion if Rotary is to be effective.”
Trussville Rotary Daybreak Club meets Wednesday mornings at the Hilton Garden Inn in Trussville. For more information, visit
Contact Gary Lloyd at and follow him on Twitter @GaryALloyd.